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Old 12th February 2014, 08:00 AM
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keirarts keirarts is offline
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Originally Posted by nosferatu42 View Post
Transformers 2 was really bad, just a jumble of CGI.
100% agree with this. I saw the first Transformers and hated it, working at Blockbusters the rentals were free so I gave part 2 a chance. Big mistake. Made the first look like a classic. Switched it off mid way through and have never felt the need to revisit the film. Have not even tried to watch part 3.

Since were sticking our heads above the parapets and admitting to 'classics' we hate here goes (note: shall not bother with Jean-pierre Junet as everyone already knows how overrated and shit I find his films. )

Breathless (the original french version, the Gere remake is much better) Awful, overrated garbage from a director who should have really stuck to being a pretentious critic rather than a pretentious hack director. Really quite dull and has aged poorly.

Bernardo bertolucci. EVERYTHING this bloke has made.

Solaris (Tarkovsky). Soderbergh and Clooney remade this mess. Cut it down to 90 minutes and it still works better than Tarkovskys bloated excericise in intellectual masturbation. A chore to sit through.
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