Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop KNOCK KNOCK - Like several of my compadres around here, I spend a scary proportion of my viewing time trawling through a swamp of microbudget releases hoping to find hidden gold. It's not often all that rewarding because, admit it, there's loads of rubbish out there, but occasionally something really outré or even just interesting turns up. 'Knock Knock' isn't really outré and nor will it appear all that interesting to the vast majority of horror fans, but when I saw it the other day, I did come way feeling that it got within spitting distance of being the noughties answer to 'Pieces'. Is that a recommendation or what? I might be wrong, but I'd have to watch it again to find out and frankly I can't be bothered, but I was really charmed by 1) its utter lameness in most departments 2) its fairly high gross out quotient 3) elements of eccentricity and crass bad taste like a learning disabled murder suspect who plays with dolls. I liked all the really broad but seemingly random Italo-American accents. Really, it's a film stranded at that crossroads where incompetence changes over into strangeness. It's set up like a run of the mill latter day slasher, but nothing about it really makes sense, and its narrative wanders in and out of focus. Recommended for shit movie fans everywhere.
I liked
Knock Knock as well.
I thought it was a real throw back to the 80's. It attempted to do something a bit different with it's kills and somehow they seemed both inventive and derivative. Love the shower scene - very grim. In the end it did lose a little momentum but its one of the more memorable slashers of the decade.
Did you know there's a sequel?