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Old 15th February 2014, 07:59 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: UK

The nest

A revenge of nature film, which I really enjoyed. Some great effects and a decent story with interesting characters and a lot of gore. Enjoyed this a lot more than squirm. 7.5/10

Police academy 1&2

I actually really enjoy these films as they are easy watching with great characters and mindless fun. Ok they went down hill in quality after the third, but the ones with Steve guttenburg aren't half bad and have a certain 80s charm 9/10

Last star fighter

Love this film it's just so much fun, like police academy movies it's one of those you can watch and forget the troubles of the day. Ok the effects haven't aged well as it was the first movie to use mostly cgi, but it gives it a certain charm all of its own. 9/10

Tower of evil.

Fantastic creepy little film which was my first viewing, with a some good acting and a interesting story and for its time it's very bloody, with a lot of sex and nudity. Looks amazing on blu ray, a film that shall be getting many more viewings 9/10

Body bags

Ok but none of the story's stood out for me, really highlight was all the cameos. 6.5/10

Cat people remake

Excellent movie with some great acting and interesting imagery and effects. Will be interesting to see how much different the original is. 9/10

Next up my first code red film and my first viewing of it. Just before dawn.
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