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Old 18th February 2014, 05:42 PM
JunkMonkey JunkMonkey is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Western Highlands of Scotland

Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
I would have make two lists: one for films I detest and another for films which are technically inept.
The fusion of the two is where the fun lies. There are many technically wonderful films that have left me cold - Cloverfield was one which I watched for the first time last night. Technically great but I couldn't care less about the characters. Does that make it a bad film? No. Just a film I didn't like.

Richard Driscoll's The Comic on the other hand is as technically inept piece of movie making as you will find anywhere (like all Driscoll's films) and I didn't care about the characters. It is a BAD film - any one who says otherwise is deluding themselves (and is probably Richard Driscoll) - but I like it.

The only film I can think of that I detest is Jane Campion's In the Cut a film which - apart from from the possible pervy thrill of seeing Meg Ryan's pubes - has nothing to recommend it to anyone who isn't deeply masochistic and likes having their intelligence insulted. Technically competent but assumes the audience is stupid and then pummels them round the head with the obvious for two hours.
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