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Old 21st February 2014, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by mr 420 View Post
Nice one! I still have quite a few Tartan videos/DVDs lying around. Last House on Dead End Street springs to mind.
Yeah, I have a fair few myself too. Their catalogue was quite numerous and varied, plus there were plenty of titles that I was mildly curious of and missed out on checking out before they 'disappeared' and the DVDs started selling for silly money. Whilst they will probably release the more commonly known 'guaranteed' sellers first I'll be very interested in seeing what they release from the sizable catalogue.

I also think that the Tartan US & UK rights are quite different, as I remember Tartan in the UK releasing a lot of Bergman films and things like Bride of Re-Animator, Society, and Black Christmas some of which are obviously owned by different rights holders in the US.
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