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Old 21st February 2014, 03:30 PM
BAKA BAKA is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010

Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
There are still some titles they have announced via postcards etc. which haven't been officially announced for release yet, including:

Mark of the Devil
Nightmare City
Remo: Unarmed & Dangerous
Withnail & I

Some of them will probably be released in Q3. It will also be interesting to see if there are a new wave of postcards in the Q2 releases which give us some info on more upcoming titles.
Good shout, it must be about time we're due some more postcards. I'm loaded with the current wave. But it could just be because Arrow are releasing more titles than previously.

I think I remember that they confirmed 5 Dolls For An August Moon in reply to a comment on Facebook too. I would have liked something Bava in the most recent announcements actually.

I noticed The Whip And The Body on the Hollywood Classics site, which makes me think when they commented that they couldn't get the UK rights, that it was a case they've been taken by another company (probably Odeon) rather than they couldn't find the rights holders. I have just imported Whip though, so I'm not hugely bothered.
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