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Old 22nd February 2014, 12:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
Ow! Okay! Really guys? Have I touched a nerve with some of you?
I feel like I should apologize for saying something slightly derogatory but nothing I said was a falsification of the veracity or exaggerated in any way.
I was shocked to read ZFE was 18 months old already! I would have sworn it only just came out! I'm getting old, decades goes past like single years now!! To some of you 2 years appears to be a long time, to me that was last week and it's getting quicker all the time! Shit! I sound like my dad!
Did you all miss or ignore the parts where I said I have supported Arrow in buying their products and that they have done a sterling job on many other titles? I have no axe to grind against them at all but facts are facts and in the recent past (Years ago- if you're 35 or younger!) they have put out less than sterling presentations. No one denies that fact they?
Because of that (please forgive me!) I am slightly wary of Arrow. If I bought anything from a company and was disappointed 4/5/6 times then, hey, it must be a weird quirk of my personality but I am going to be dubious about purchasing more from them.
And I thought the Scream! Factory fan boys were intense!!

I think that given the last year/year and a half their releases have been excellent it just baffled some. Fair enough they put out a few dodgy ones before that.
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