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Old 30th March 2014, 11:20 PM
Gothmogxx Gothmogxx is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Scotland.
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I think we all knew it was going to bomb though... And speaking as one of his biggest fans, thats hard to admit (sighs)

Thing is though he was out of the spotlight since 2003. That exile from acting lasted 10 years or so and by the time he made his comeback (as good as The Last Stand was: FAR superior to Raw Deal and Last Action Hero), it just wasn't enough. Some of the younger generation probably didn't know who he really was due to his long absence and to them, they probably weren't interested in a film with an aging guy as an action lead.

The whole age thing that people complain about irritates me. If he can still shoot and fight, all while giving one-liners... Good enough for me. Wrinkles? Well as he would say - "come on, don't bullshit me."

BUT... On the plus side we have new Conan and Terminator movies coming out. The Last Stand and Sabotage are newer stuff, but most people are aware of these franchises, especially Terminator. Backed up with those franchises and the fact that some of the younger people may be becoming fans of his due to his recent movies... I could see improvement with Conan and Terminator, especially the latter. Bruce did well with Die Hard 4 and 5 in terms of box-office, so I'm sure Arnold with Terminator will do the same.
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