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Old 18th April 2014, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by nordicdusk View Post
Attachment 134116

A couple and their male friend go to a party but after a lovers tiff Alex decides she has had enough and leave the party leaving Marcus and Pierre behind. Unable to flag down a cab Alex goes to the subway to make her way home. Alex stumbles upon what seems like a domestic between a coulpe in the subway station when the a routine arguement turns nasty the female flees and the attention is is put upon Alex. What follows is very violent very grim and very drawn out rape that most people will find very hard to watch.

After the party Marcus and Pierre discover the faith of Alex and at that point Marcuss pain turns to blind rage and a thirst for revenge. From this point on we are hammered with strange music and spinning camera angles she-male prostitues some graphic sexual scenes in a gay club and a fire extinguisher.

The film is shown from end to start starting with the end credits and working its way from the end to the start. I felt it worked really well to shoot the film in this way because when it starts so graphic i was thinking that it cant get much worse but after the notorious rape scene the film builds up to something
more tramatic to put what we have witnessed in an even more disturbing light.

A really well done film i love how its shot and acted so raw and brutal. Vincent Cassell is fantastic as always and your heart will be broken by the trauma of what Monica Bellucci has to go through im sure it was emotionally and physically draining for her to even act such a brutal scene so the lady gets a lot of my respect for suffering for her art. Be warned that is film is very graphic so if you have not seen this just be prepared.

I put this film in my catagory of not one for the ladies. I dont mean that in a sexist way but certain films i would not feel comfortable sitting through with a female.
Ive tried several times to watch the film but for first half hour the way the camera angle keeps moving around gives me a bit of a headache .
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