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Old 21st May 2014, 04:41 PM
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Dave Boy Dave Boy is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: U.K

A group of scientists are experimenting with a view screen that can see hours into the future. During the experiment things go wrong and the viewscreen becomes a time portal in which they can walk through to 170 years into the future. The Earth surface is a wasteland and they are chased by mutants until they are saved by the only humans left on the planet. The humans are building a rocket to another planet and need to leave before the mutants break into the complex. Not able to take the scientists,and with the original portal collapsed, they help them to try to build a new time portal before time runs out......

I found this very enjoyable. There are some good effects on show here that look like magic tricks and illusions. One of the mutants look to be played by a real life guy with hand deformities. There is also a good scene in the android factory where we see android workers being made. I believe that this film put the idea forward for the tv show 'Time Tunnel'.
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