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Old 27th June 2014, 08:09 PM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Black Angel

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Just watched this short (25 mins) film that was released with Empire Strikes Back on it's initial release in cinema's.
It came to my attention while reading through some old Cult labs posts, I'm sure it was Dem who was asking what it was called.
Anyway I saw ESB on it's original release but couldn't remember this but then i was only about 6 at the time.
Black Angel is very slight and minimal, it basically follows a knight who returns from the crusades to find his home overcome by sickness and family gone.
He then sets of wandering across the lands and ends up almost drowning but is saved by a mysterious maiden who is under the control of a black knight, he vows to rescue the maiden by killing the knight.
That's about it really but i really enjoyed it, it's got an Excalibur type feel to the atmosphere (although being PG has no gore etc.) and to me came across like a visual poem with its eerie feel and soundtrack.
The landscape looks beautiful (Scotland i think?) and the scenes with the black knight are quite striking, he is a supernatural being and is quite an imposing presence.
Apparently Black Angel has been lost for years and is one of those films that has stuck in peoples memories since when they were kids, i can see why it could enthrall and inspire a young mind.
My thing that always stuck in my head since a kid was the public information film 'Apache' which totally traumatised me when the teachers showed it to us at primary school (the sadists)
Anyway if you remember this from being a kid or are just interested it is available cheaply on Playstation store and iTunes (maybe other places too?).
I Liked it and would recommend it if you like Excalibur/80's fantasy films.
Recommended 8.5/10 (nice atmosphere but wish it was a full movie)

MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.
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