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Old 10th August 2014, 09:27 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Bob Clark's DeathDream

Bob Clark's DeathDream.
Sorry If you guys were doing this alphabetically,but I recently watched this so thought id throw my two cents in the ring.
Andy gets killed in Vietnam,and while the family is mourning for there son,up he pops knocking on the front door.
It has to be said not a lot happens in this film,so anyone expecting zombie munching like Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things or lots of slashing like Black Christmas then you will be mightily disappointed,or come to that lots of tits Ala Porky's.What we do get is one of the most hypnotic performances from Richard Backus who just smiles a lot or grimaces a lot,while in between strangling the family dog or killing the family doctor.His permanent facial expressions were beginning to give me jaw ache.In fact he so looks like a re-animated corpse I did wonder if Bob Clark had found a body and pushed him around on a trolley.By the end Andy does make a fine looking zombie,his gaunt features and sad eyes are truly pathetic,thanks to some early work by the genius that is Tom Savini.
spoiler alert
It has to be said its not a laugh riot,the father kills himself the mother goes bonkers and drives Andy to the cometary for his final resting place.The whole film has an oppressive and downbeat feel,I thought Vietnam was all about water skiing and dancing on boats to the Rolling Stones while helicopters pranced to Wagner.
I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken, chicken on goat, couple of chickens doing a goat
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