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Old 12th August 2014, 09:29 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
Cult Master
Cult Labs Radio Contributor
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


On the U.S/ Canadian border a small plane carrying a cargo of drugs crashes into a lake in the centre of a national park. Soon the dealers show up to claim their shipment and force the forest ranger to help them retreieve the drugs from the bottom of the lake.

Watching Van Damme snap necks, break legs and generally beat people black and blue never gets old and playing the bad guy here makes it even better. Van Damme plays Xander the leader of the drug gang a very unhinged environmentalist who would rather slice your throat than shoot you because guns are bad for the environment. The fight scenes are great and Van Damme is as agile as ever and along with his crazed acting he brings some great humour to the role. This humour is not for the sake of humour it seems to go much deeper and ads to the craziness of Xander which for me was a great move in making him feel more realistic.

The story is pretty generic a drug drop off goes wrong two enemies must team up to stop a greater evil etc etc but it does not take away from the film at all. Good fun and well worth a watch. A bit more of this and a bit less of Welcome To The Jungle and Van Damme will continue on the up and up.
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