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Old 14th September 2009, 04:29 PM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
Cult Addict
Good Trader
Join Date: Apr 2008
Blog Entries: 1

Like others here, my top 10 would probably read differently every day! But, today, these would make my top 10, and in no particular order...
  • Cannibal Holocaust
  • Effects
  • Midnight Cowboy (there ya go, Vips, it's on my list!)
  • Dracula Has Risen from the Grave
  • Zombie (Flesh Eaters)
  • Bride of Frankenstein
  • Nosferatu - The Vampyre
  • Halloween
  • Deep Red
  • Dawn of the Dead

Close call for Death Wish, that nearly made the list!
Sent from my Hoover using the power of Uri Gellar
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