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Old 10th September 2014, 07:54 PM
Antropophagus Antropophagus is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2011

Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Strange, didn't notice any of that when I watched mine, nor did a couple of other members who watched theirs, I've not seen any other reviewers comment on it either.
I'll check mine out again shortly, once my kids are in bed and report back. I personally thought they'd done a great job polishing this turd
There are 2 youtube videos on forums. The first 16 minutes of the blu-ray and the DVD. Watch them using the time codes posted there too and you'll see. Blue Underground kinda admitted the problem posting this on their facebook page:

"While we'd have to confirm with the Italian licensor that provided the new HD master, we strongly suspect that there was frame damage at some splices in the original negative which had to be removed so there would not be a noticeable picture jump at those cuts. Please keep in mind that this is a 40+ year old, extremely low budget film. We're confident they did the transfer as best they could with what they had to work with. Hopefully this does not impede in your enjoyment of the film. We believe that the positives of this new HD transfer far outweigh any negatives."
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