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Old 23rd September 2014, 05:50 PM
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Handyman Joe Handyman Joe is offline
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Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
This is the Bobcat Goldthwaite film, yes? Isn't it a spoof then??
Too Late for Tears - well I've encountered some real nasty women during my year of noir binging but Lizabeth Scott in TLFT is by far the worst. Her unforgettable face - a snapshot of where beautiful meets ugly - literally contorts and twists with greed as this movie progresses. It's an amazing portrayal - she even makes you feel sorry for Dan Dureya, no mean feat. This plays like a surreal morality play, only without the morals part - everyone bar the poor schmo hubbie and his sister are degrees of awful. A wildly melodramatic ending for Ms Scott and a nice twist round it off nicely. Shame about the Alpha video print - it's horrendous. Rumours of a restoration on imbd - I really hope so.

The File on Thelma Jordan - all hail Barbara Stanwyck, amazing as ever as the titular Ms Jordan - is she really rotten? You'll be guessing till the penultimate, barking mad scene. Today Stanwyck wouldn't get through a casting call - sorry Love, you'll need a nose job, a boob job and you don't look like you could carry off an action scene. This, in a nutshell, is why I hate current Hollywood tripe - no real distinctive characters or indeed, actors. Anyway rant over - this isn't as good as Martha Ivers but is still a solid 7/10
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