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Old 27th September 2014, 02:58 PM
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Rondadoronron Rondadoronron is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Martin – George Romero (1976)

Alright Im playing safe again with my choices,while Mr B.E. wallows in his own filth doing his dirty protest at mainstream cinema,ill stick with the good and the beloved.Again should need no introduction from my rat bag self,and since Arrow have released and re-re-leased this title im sure the majority of you own this rather brilliant film.
Made after The Crazies and before Dawn,this really shows that Romero had the magic touch and could do wonders within the horror genre.Taking the vampire legend and sticking it in a rather dull looking small Pennsylvania town,with its family mundanity and bored housewife's infidelities.
But the success of the film is mainly due to John Amplas fantastic performance as the title character Martin.The strength and believability of the film revolves around Amplas solid performance and his complex characterization of this young man,on one hand he is cunning and manipulative but also shy and backward to the point of being autistic.
Plus you have Lincoln Maazel as Cuda,the head of the family who's treatment of Martin would now a days get him put on a register for abuse.
I think this is one of the most original takes on vampirism to be filmed,his lust for blood and the way he clinically puts his victims to sleep and slits there wrists puts a great spin on things.And the dire mundane surroundings of his home and family makes a change from old castles and men in capes (although there good to).
Along with Dead and Buried and a few others its a well made and fairly respected,so again its not all pot boilers in Nightmare Usaville.In Romero's cannon of films this still stands the test time today and is certainly more valid than any of the modern vampire films which have been made in the last twenty years.
I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken, chicken on goat, couple of chickens doing a goat
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