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Old 28th September 2014, 08:32 AM
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Rondadoronron Rondadoronron is offline
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Curb Your Enthusiasm

The Pants Tent

- What the hell? - It's Nancy.
And I just wanted you to come over here for one second.
I thought we should just talk about this.
Tell her what you were telling me the other night.
- Why are you doing this? This is silly! - Tell her what you told me the other night.
I can't believe that she's talking to you about this! This is insane! Wait a second, hold it.
Can I just say something here? Okay.
Now, I came home, and I thought it was really funny it was kind of a joke to me that you stared down, over here because Because you had an erection.
Nancy, this is why it's funny - because you thought that I had an erection.
- I "thought"? But I don't understand the "thought" part.
That's what we're saying.
Even before the movie, Larry said, "Look at these pants.
" I pointed out the pants to her before the movie.
Larry, you sat down, and everything was fine then I started rubbing your arm, you got a hard-on.
- It's not a big deal, I don't care.
- It's not a big deal.
- And I wouldn't mind it, if in fact, I did.
- Wait a second.
She was rubbing your arm? Why were you rubbing his arm? I was upset about the woman Why didn't you tell me that she was rubbing your arm? - I was upset about the woman - Why didn't you tell me that earlier? It's so insignificant to me, the whole thing! - I'm taking in all the facts.
- It happened.
He got an erection, it wasn't a big deal.
Nancy, it didn't happen, okay? If it happened, I would give you credit for it! I know when I get these things and how they happen.
These things, these erection things? - I know the source.
- I know the source, too.
I can name sources! Sophia Loren was once a source! I know my sources! Sometimes they're mysterious sources, I don't know where it comes from! - Other times, I can pinpoint it! - What about me? - Am I not even involved in a source? - Yeah, you're a source.
- My God! - Listen, you got a hard-on.
No, I didn't! - Look at these pants.
I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken, chicken on goat, couple of chickens doing a goat
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