Dogs (1976) 
Dogs is just one example of the mass influx of killer animal films which came in the wake of Spielberg's Jaws. As the film going public were now scared to get in the ocean, all manner of land based fauna became ripe for exploitation to ensure they'd never even want to leave the safety of their own home again for fear of being targeted for extinction by nature's brethren; and with Dogs man's best friend was an easy target.
The film throws in some pseudo science to kick start the notion that the poodle next door would suddenly go for the kill in terms of pheromone triggers, which leads all the once loyal subservient canines of a small town to become aggressive and form packs to hunt down their human masters. The pheromone based triggers which are causing the canine chaos are linked to secret government experiments at the local school's lab, the dean of which refuses to acknowledge that there is an issue whilst he townsfolk are slowly becoming a dog's dinner.
The dog attack scenes themselves are passable, and whilst there are some interesting themes covered, Dogs doesn't stray too far off its mundane leash in terms of plot or building of suspense. Besides the domestic pet angle, there isn't really anything that stands out here when compared to many of the other animals on the rampage films of the same era - it does get bonus points for mimicking the shower scene in Psycho but with a dog, however.