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Old 5th October 2014, 08:31 AM
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Rondadoronron Rondadoronron is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Tv Quote Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm Trick or treat

Are you Jewish? Are you Jewish?
You wanna check my penis? Is that what you wanna do?
My real question is, what were you whistling? -
Hello, Dolly.
- No, it's Wagner.
- Was it? - Yeah.
You, sir, won $100.
I wanna know what a Jew is whistling Wagner for Do you wanna know? when he's one of the great anti-Semites of the world.
- You know what you are? -
What am l? -
You're a self-loathing Jew.
- Am l? Yes! I do hate myself, but it has nothing to do with being Jewish.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with being Jewish.
Those millions of Jews were taken to the concentration camps with Wagner being played in the background.
Yes! Hitler's favorite composer! -
Really? -
They got a mental asylum a couple of blocks away.
I suggest you go and check yourself in.
Where's your Judaism? Judaism? Where are you? Where are you, Judaism? How can you have this attitude? That you're better?
They should put a muzzle on you.
You're foaming at the mouth.
Please, thank you.
I have seen animals having sex in every position imaginable. Goat on chicken, chicken on goat, couple of chickens doing a goat
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