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Old 10th October 2014, 12:14 PM
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Vipp Vipp is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Summer Isle.

I picked this up for £2.50 after watching the trailer and thinking it may be one of those 'hidden gem' slasher movies lost in the torrent of brilliant titles from that era. I was wrong. (If you haven't seen the film my review may spoil it, skip this and watch the movie first. You have been warned)

The trailer leads us to believe that PIN is alive and possible actually murdering at the wishes of the main character 'Leon' and it leaves us with this phrase 'Some friendships don't last' and we see a blurry images of an axe wielding killer bringing said axe to lunch with Leon's head... But when we watch the film we understand that PIN is most certainly not alive and this is not a slasher movie as the trailer may have lead us to believe. It's a thriller.

Leon is a well thought out character and played very well by actor Davit Hewlett, but it's a slow burner of a movie with a strangley satisfying ending if not a little cheesy.

Worth £2.50 but I'm not sure it's got a repeat viewing in it. and once your mates know PIN is not an accessory to the film you have lost your interesting conversation piece.

*Incidentally i couldn't get the commentary track to work on my laptop or PC?
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