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Old 13th October 2014, 11:37 AM
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Vipp Vipp is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Summer Isle.

The Funhouse - Tobe Hooper
I had no idea this film was by Tobe Hooper to be honest, i enjoyed the trailer and thought i'd give it a shot. The film feels short and has a bunch of plot holes that leaves room for some serious improvement. apparently Eli Roth is planning a remake? i'm not sure this film needs one.

The creature is well acted and the claustrophobic set is enough to keep you from pulling the film and sticking i on the 'trade's thread'. Worth a watch if your stuck for anything else.

The town that dreaded sundown -(youtube, 1976 version)
I saw this film cover over in the VHS thread and thought it looked good. It's currently on youtube which is a bonus as the vhs/Blu Ray set's are a little expensive to get in the UK. The film is a contender for a serous horror movie based on a real event however it has the strangest moments of slapstick comedy? ? ? it's so strange to see the two styles together? so one moment we see a murder based on factual event's from real police evidence then the next moment we have a police officer called 'Spark Plug' driving the chief of police and a Texas ranger past a crime scene, up a ramp and into a small lake? it's almost surreal?

anyway give this movie a watch if you enjoy crime stories then maybe head over to good old reliable Wikipedia to get some facts about the real crimes as a companion to the film. Very interesting and possible worth a re watch in the future.
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