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Old 13th October 2014, 12:38 PM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
Cult Addict
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

I sat and watched Funhouse last night too, only seen it once before and wasn't that impressed so thought i'd give it another shot.
On the plus side i liked the opening with it's shades of the Halloween intro and Psycho shower scene, and i always love it when you have some horror obsessed kids bedroom with his figure and mask collection (ie Salems lot and friday 13th part 4.),oh and boobs too,so good start in my opinion.

Liked the fairground setting and freakshow scenes, which i always find a good setting for horror. The funhouse itself is well realised atmospheric and interestingly lit but then i think hooper stumbles with his characters, the family are non entities with the only one really making an impact is the creature who has nice make up, but a bad hairdo that kinda spoils the effect and had me thinking of zelda from terrahawks.!?

The victims wandering about was a bit scooby doo, and they seem content to do pretty much nothing while waiting to be killed, although i did like the kid who sneaked out and is very aware of his sisters predicament, the scene where the girl is calling to her parents but they can't hear was good i thought.

The family bickering is sub-par Texas Chainsaw and pretty dull, the kills are unspectacular and seem far too restrained, but i did like the lighting of the scene in the air duct,tunnel with the fan throwing shadows as the creature approaches.
So all in all a mixed bag, like Vipp says worth keeping but it's never gonna be a favourite.

MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.
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