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Old 13th October 2014, 01:37 PM
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Daemonia Daemonia is offline
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
sadly its cut it seems

Death Wish 2 Blu-ray

really dont know why they didnt release the uncut version as from one of theses reviews they appear to have a HD source for it

Death Wish 2 Blu-ray

is it worth seeking out a uncut version?
I wouldn't watch anything but the uncut version. To say the cut version is heavily cut would be a massive understatement. It loses a hell of a lot of footage. The first rape scene is very much toned down, the rape of Kersey's daughter later on is almost gone entirely and the scene ends with her jumping out the window but cuts the shots of her impaled on the railings. I think (but not totally sure) that there are other cuts too, but these are the most notable ones. It's an incredibly tamer version in its R-rated incarnation than when you see it uncut. I wouldn't even waste my time on the R-rated version, it's gutted of everything that makes the film so nasty and as to why Kersey is so traumatised.
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