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Old 16th October 2014, 06:18 AM
Antropophagus Antropophagus is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Oct 2011

A forums user posted this:

"My original post addressed the Arrow version of Shivers missing two scenes when compared to the Image dvd release. A further comparison has revealed an approximate additional 9 seconds that are missing on the Arrow release. They are as follows:

1. 8:20 Timecode of Arrow release: Approximately 3 seconds are missing showing research scientist Hobbes' thumb sliding down the teenage girl's side and blood pouring out of her body.

2. 9:27--9:33 Timecode of Arrow release: Approximately 2 seconds are missing during the scene of Hobbes slashing his own throat. The Arrow version cuts the scene short by about 2 seconds as Hobbes is shown slashing more of his throat in the Image dvd.

3. 56:30 Timecode of Arrow release: After Roger has hit the guy with the crowbar there is a shot of the victim's bloody head on both versions. In the Image dvd the shot is slightly longer so that the crowbar is shown hitting the pavement. The Arrow version shows this shot for a fraction of a second. The Image version makes the scene last about 1 second or slightly longer than 1 second.

4. 1:14:54 Timeode of Arrow release: In my original post I missed an additional scene that had its beginning cut when Dr. Linsky is struggling with Tudor in Tudor's apartment kitchen. Before Tudor starts hitting Dr. Linsky with the wrench, the Arrow version has approximately 3 seconds missing where Dr. Linsky's bloody hands are pushing against Tudor's face.

The above amounts to about 9 seconds. Add to that the 4-5 seconds of parasites being taken off of Dr. Linsky's face and shoved back into Tudor's mouth (in my original post), plus the "Get off me" scene mentioned in my original post (which I later found out is actually an additional 4 seconds) and you have as much as 18 seconds missing from the Arrow release when compared to the Image dvd. "

This is not good at all
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