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Old 16th October 2014, 06:15 PM
Antropophagus Antropophagus is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011

Originally Posted by tele1962 View Post
Maybe he didn't but what if this print is the only one with decent enough elements to work with and if this turns out to be the director approved edition then that's it really.
Again I insist Cronenber wouldn't aprove all those cuts. Somehow all those cuts are gore/violence scenes. Do you suggest that only those gore scenes have been damaged and become not usable. I don't believe it. It's just an edited version of the movie that got an HD transfer. But again that's only IMHO. Now something different, I've bought it frm Zavvi paying £12.25. If I offered them say £10 I don't think they'll sell it to me. Now why should I accept something that's missing 18 seconds of gore/violence and it's a horror movie, not comedy, gore is essential, isn't it? Anyway I believe Arrow will sort things out
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