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Old 19th October 2014, 12:26 PM
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fuzzymctiger fuzzymctiger is offline
Cult Acolyte
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Once again, exams upcoming and here I am. I've inspired myself to continue posting again and reading the watched and purchased threads rather than just continually ignoring the emails. Kind of missed them.

Scream - Forgot about this one last time around. Hadn't seen this since when I first got into horror movies about 2 or 3 years before the 4th one came out, so I must have been 12 or 13. Anyway, an honestly good film. For a hit and miss director like Craven, this doesn't feel like one of his films (I haven't seen any of his post 80's stuff). It's well made, it's fun, it's very 90's in a good way, and it's clever. It takes the whole poking fun at horror movies and makes it into a very good slasher in itself. The characters feel more honest and younger than I remembered, and having a copy that doesn't die during the ending really helped. Courtney Cox and David Arquette still annoy me, but the Neve Campbell and the guy who played Shaggy are still good. The ghost face mask, endlessly ripped off by $2 stores tripe (or ¥100 or £1 wherever you live), still feels fresh and cool here. From memory the 2nd one was good but a flat ending, and the 3rd was complete shit. 9/10

The Thin Blue Line - Wow. Wanted to see this for a while and certainly paid off. Even though I was very much out of it with a headache (sickness, too young for the fun stuff) when I started watching, and completley mixed up who was who and who did what (I thought the killer was a (nonexistent) brother of Adams, that Adams wasn't in prison, and that the kid copped the charge because he was with the brother. I was so out of it). But once I finally worked it all out, it still made great sense and was very very gripping. But labels would helped next time Morris. The Phillip Glass score was amazing, as was the design and cinematography, and very cleverly, without narration or obvious bias, presents a very convincing appeal of an innocent man. Highly reccomended 10/10

The Descent - Like Scream, a very young watch that scared the absolute pants off me the first time. Second time around? Not so much. Felt very underwhelmed with the second half of this for some reason, despite it being very very good. I kind of wished it just stayed a spelunkers thrilled without monsters, despite the monster half still being very creepy. Great cinematography and a very interesting plot. As for the ending, I'm still not sure whether I prefer the British or US. I would have preferred the US if the sequel was actually good, but I remember it being fairly shit. Despite my underwhelmed state, it still definitely deserves a high reccomendation for a first time viewer. 9/10

Have a nice long playlist on my local international channel's (SBS for Australians that can use it) On Demand app, as it's all free. That's where I watched these, and a nice chunk of my last post. Hopefully I'll be able to get through most of them.
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

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