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Old 27th October 2014, 05:11 PM
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Frankie Teardrop Frankie Teardrop is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Leeds, UK

MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH - The blueprint for most of the violent teen flicks of the eighties ('Class Of 1984' et al) and obviously a big influence on 'Heathers', 'Massacre At Central High' is still less well known than many of its successors . That's a shame, because it's an excellent film which deserves wider exposure. It centres on David, a new starter at a school controlled by violent upper class bullies who drive around in a sinister van. The other kids are terrified of the dominant clique, but David, who resembles a young Boon / Michael Elphik, has an 'avenger' type mentality and, after the thugs cripple him, he offs them one by one. The nerds formerly living in fear then join forces to form a new ruling elite, and, shaking his head sadly as the old patterns reassert themselves, messianic David continues his revenge spree... 'Massacre At Central High' is an odd film in many ways. Its world is almost entirely self contained, made up of teenagers and their cliques - it's set in a high school, but we never see any teachers or parents (or a police investigation, for that matter). This, coupled with the increasingly unlikely nature of its escalating violence, gives the film a slightly surreal air and a feeling that it was almost certainly intended as an allegory (of the social indoctrination into violence). On the other hand, it plays like a lean exploitation flick, complete with cars rolling down hills and exploding to seventies TV-type music. It feels slicker and more dynamic than many similarly budgeted films made in 1976 - the performances are better, the cinematography more fluid, and it rolls along without any pacing issues and never bores. Whether the interest lies in its subtext, its oddness or its entertainment value, this is really good stuff and the film is arguably seminal in terms of pop cinema. 'Massacre At Central High' deserves far better than the full frame cheapo versions which are currently the only way to see it on DVD - there were rumours of a Cult Epics Blu-Ray earlier this year, so maybe there's still hope.
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