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Old 30th October 2014, 02:56 PM
Demoncrat Demoncrat is offline
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Watched Noah & Under The Skin. Wish I'd waited haha.

Aranofsky's adaption of the biblical tale is fairly evenly handled. The women are poorly served by the script (well, it IS a bible story after all cough cough), and Watson's performance is underwhelming. winstone does 'is usual geezer bit...fair enough, but whilst this is meant to represent the animal-in-man, I felt that ANYONE would have been better (excluding Rob Schneider natch). The visual touches were few and far between, with only one stand out image for me (the second "revelation" etc). Will watch again, but DA's weakest film yet IMO.

Under The Skin truly exemplefied (?) the legend "based on the novel...." as it shares the same title, and same basic plot.....and bugger all else, the book being more scifi (and set in Rosshire!!!). Despite this, I liked the film. Whilst I saw why it divided folk here, I was in the mood for it's mood if you know what I mean cough.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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