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Old 13th November 2014, 09:44 PM
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profondo rosso profondo rosso is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Cheshire, Northwich

The Colony

I had skipped past this a few times on Netflix, probably due to it having 2.5 / 5 stars, even though I do love post apocalyptic films.The line up pulled me in finally because I like Laurence Fishburne, who always has a commanding screen prescence in whatever he stars in, as well as Bill Paxton. The young lad in it, Kevin Zegers plays a really good confident role. The main female unfortunately does not have a huge part to play,Charlotte Sullivan, but when she is on screen she is a nice sight with good acting ability.

The premise of the story is the surviving Colony, who have taken underground after world weather decided to give them a permanent Christmas scene for a landscape, get a distress signal from their sister Colony a couple of days away. Angst is building in the camp between Paxton and Fishburne, mainly down to the ever present danger of the smallest outbreak of anything like Flu will result in a wipeout of the Colony. Anybody who sneezes is up snot creek without a paddle and will probably be shot outside, no kidding!

Laurence decides to investigate the other Colony, takes a couple of volunteers and runs into Santa's version of The Hills Have Eyes! Feral Cannibals, that eat everything and everyone in their path. One scene would make Hannibal feel sick. The main character of the Feral tribe is a direct rip off of the main vampire in 30 days of night, but that is not a bad thing, as he demands your attention when on the screen with sharpened fangs and also being the size of a barn door!
colony 6gg.jpg

Safe to say, all hell breaks loose when they are spotted and it turns into a artic type cat and mouse/survival fest with some excellent gore scenes though not just for the sake of it. With one foot in both the horror camp and one in the sci-fi camp, It has a good balance.

I thought this film was very good, much better than I anticipated, but once again when you expect little and it delivers big, it makes it that much more enjoyable. It is obviously a film on a budget but what they do with that budget and the CGI, is at times fantastic, giving it a feel of a much larger pot to play with.

Thoroughly enjoyable post apocalyptic fair and highly recommended. 8/10
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