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Old 15th November 2014, 01:20 PM
SShaw SShaw is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Bremen

Jodorowsky's Dune is the story of Jodorowsky's attempt to bring Dune to the big screen during the mid-70's with a galaxy of "spiritual warriors" that included Orson Well's, Dali, Moebius, Giger, Chris Foss, Mick Jagger. Unfortunately his vision was never realised, but its astonishing to see how influential this 'failed' film was on what followed. Having seen the documentary I very much would like to see both his film realised and his script book published.

The documentary is recommended (perhaps as at Imagine it would make a good double bill with Lynch's quite different interpretation).

While on the subject of Lynch's Dune, in his introduction to the reissue of Dune at the time of Lynch's film Herbert mentions that there was a lot (I seem to recall 6 hours) of unused material. I would also quite like to see the film Lynch set out to make.
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