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Old 15th November 2014, 08:14 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Some reason viewings

Cthulhu mansion

Just dreadful poor old Lovecraft must be spinning in his grave. Awful acting poor editing, direction. No redeeming qualities what so ever. The director makes Ed Wood look like stanley kubrick. 1/10

The magnetic monster


No actual monster which was a big disappointment, the monster is a magnetic force that because of exposure to radiation is increasing in power to the point where it will move earth out of its orbit, so it's up to a group of scientist to find away to stop it. 5/10

The Burbs
Highly enjoyable and funny with a great cast of characters and laugh out loud moments. Which is strange because the first time I watched it I didn't think much of it. 8.5/10

Not what I was expecting or remembered as a kid, thought it was a horror but it's a sci fi film about about young woman and her boyfriend who investigate what they think is an abandoned military when the woman starts hearing what sounds like whale song. They are soon caught while entering the base and we find out that the signal she heard is coming from three aliens kept in suspended animation. When personal start dying at the base, the military decide to bury the base along with the young couple and aliens. It's at this point that the aliens are set free and the young couple team up with the aliens ( which just look like young children with shaved heads) to escape and get them home. 6/10

Now watch leprechaun 2

Last edited by trebor8273; 15th November 2014 at 08:54 PM.
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