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Old 16th November 2014, 07:06 PM
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trebor8273 trebor8273 is offline
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Over the past week or so been watch battlestar galactica (original) and buck Rogers. Finished battlstar and part way though buck. Still as enjoyable as ever if a little bit cheesy( more so Buck). I have to say the spaceship designs in battlestar as still first rate and stand the test of time and are better than those of a lot of newer shows and movies. Not hard to see why they didn't change them to much in the remake. Shame the second seasons of these shows where so poor, battlestar with its awful "space children" only plus was the excellent bilkes. Then we had season two of Buck Rogers which I never understood why they changed the format and turned it into a poor mans star trek knock off. The only plus there was Hawk and his spaceship.
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