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Old 11th December 2014, 09:58 AM
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R-T-C Tim R-T-C Tim is offline
Active Cultist
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Keighley, UK

I'm doing some seriously obscure DTV sci-fi today, starting with:

Found this on a 'Replay' disc in my local poundland, a dodgy unbranded DVD release that seems to be re-using the BBFC certificate of the Elephant VHS release (although picture quality is pretty impressive and it does include a trailer).

The central idea (borrowed from novel 'Season of the Witch' (1968)) is that of a man whose conciousness is transferred into that of a dead woman, but while the novel sees this as his ironic punishment for rape and murder and explores his internal conflicts, the film just sort of sticks it into one of the most generic dystopias ever made - big corp runs the world, therefore bad guys, freedom fighters oppose evil corp, therefore good guys.

The production is decent enough for a low budget sci-fi, all the usual smoke and blue lights and Karen Duffy is good in the challenging lead role, but the film is just dull and the action scenes in the second half feel utterly gratuitous - potential for the film to descent into beautiful surreality is wasted on random super explosion guns.

Skip this (but feel free to read more in my full Memory Run review with pretty pictures).
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