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Old 20th December 2014, 03:30 PM
Michael Brooke Michael Brooke is offline
Seasoned Cultist
Join Date: Nov 2011

Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
Its all subjective though isn't it at the end of the day.
Say hyperthetically i was Arrows one and only customer. And they said we are going to put out exclusive restorations of The Burbs and Withnail and I. Packed with features. I'd be chuffed. I was in fact. They tell me to bare with them, there'll be more culty niche stuff coming but for now we need to make some serious money on these bigger more mainstream titles. I say yeah great. Then they plough said profits into Borowczyk and Nekromantik.
I'm disappointed because i don't care about this stuff and feel its a waste of money that i would rather them spend on say a Blind Dead Collection or a Phantasm Boxset or a few John Carpenter titles.
And every one of us will feel different about what they do and don't release.

Of course, which is why hypothetical arguments about "one and only customers" are a bit pointless. Not least because in order to be able to fund ambitious restoration projects, Arrow needs to broaden rather than narrow its appeal. Hence the wider range of titles.

But I'd be curious to know if there has really been much of a dip in actual numbers of so-called Euro cult titles (or direct US equivalents) - or whether the numbers have remained broadly similar but the overall number of releases has increased. Has anyone actually sat down and worked it out?

Incidentally, for what it's worth, I couldn't personally be less interested in Nekromantik, and wasn't at all disappointed that the only disc I was asked to QC was the soundtrack CD - but I certainly recognise its historical/cultural significance (and therefore the strong rationale for doing it), and am delighted that it's going down so well with its fan base.
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