I personally believe they're far removed simply because they ran out of them before this restoration stuff even began.
By the time the announcment with the Troma titles and Lady Snowblood came through, that was the confirmation that the old Arrow was gone, and people begged for better titles.
So the slipcases were ditched and in came De Palma (who I still thank Arrow for introducing me to), Price, and large studio deals that bought in stuff like BTiLC, Squirm, Deranged, The Beast Within and more that I have loved.
I've long moved on from the old Arrow, and yes whilst I miss slashers and oddities, I have faith this deal will at least bring rarities and oddities back, and hey if I want slashers and Italy, well 88 films is starting their lines up very nicely.
This is just me, but since I never bought many of the Arrow slipless DVDs, I still have a lot of those to buy, so it's like buying old Arrow. The only problem is have the time the quality sucks. Jaguar Lives is 4:3 tape master, and Deadly Outlaw Rekka (please get more Mikke this is fantastic), is supposedly a new transfer, but with lots of damage, and the worst compression I've ever seen.