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Old 11th January 2015, 08:58 PM
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Nordicdusk Nordicdusk is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Ireland


Sir Robert Cargrave is a Neurosurgeon who seems to have everything in life he has recently been knighted and his name is well known throughout the world. The one thing that escapes him is love and his heart remains with his ex lover he left behind in Europe.

Out of the blue Robert receives a letter from his ex lover to summon him to the home of her husband Baron Sardonicus with the upmost importance. At once he gathers his belongings to be at the Baronesss side. On arriving in the village of the Baron Sir Robert notices that the very mention of the name of the Baron puts fear in the peasants very soon Sir Robert will see why.

Its does not take long for things to take a strange turn when Sir Roberts enters the home of the Baron he is greeted with the screams of a woman who is tied to a chair and her face is covered in leeches. After a quick reunion with the Baroness they are both summoned to dinner where Sir Robert will meet the Baron for the first time. Baron Sardonicus enters to room wearing a mask that he never removes which we later discover is because his was a poor farmer in his past and when his father died he was buried with a winning lottery ticket. Under a lot of pressure from his then wife he digs up his fathers grave and on sight of his fathers face his face is permanently disfigured after the shock. The Baron and his servant Krull have been experimenting on the young woman and servants of the house trying to get a cure for the curse inflicted upon the Baron but without success. The last option is Sir Robert using a special massage he has developed that relaxes the muscles. At first Sir Robert refuses to help because of the cruelty of Baron Sardonicus towards the Baroness but the Baron holds all the cards and in order to save the life of the woman he loves he must do as he is told.

This came as part of the Brotherhood Of Satan Blu Ray double pact i picked up awhile back both films i had not seen before and this is the best of the two. For me this is a hidden gem i loved the story and there were plenty of dark moments of torture and coldness from the Baron himself. I enjoyed the performance of Krull the most his character progressed through so many emotions through the film from humble servant to a man blinded by his loyalty to his master and then a man filled with a lust for revenge. This is one i will revisit from time to time a big from me.
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