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Old 17th January 2015, 10:31 AM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford

Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
Maybe you should see about changing your username to 'The Voice of Doom' or 'The Wet Blanket"!
I used to be a huge Arrow fan. But really, cock up after cock up slowly eroded my love for them. Maybe it's just me but I don't have the £100's some of you seem to spend every week, I have to pick and choose what I buy carefully and quite frankly my balls are sore from the amount of times Arrow have kicked me in them. Yes, they do, from time to time, put out outstanding versions, Nekromantik, I think, is probably the ultimate edition on the planet, but for every sterling release they put out, there is a turkey to counterbalance it.
Voice of Doom, maybe, Wet Blanket, perhaps but their record speaks for itself without any input from me so how about Voice of Reasonable Doubt or Slightly Damp Blanket...
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