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Old 20th January 2015, 09:28 PM
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MacBlayne MacBlayne is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Japan

I'm not sure I could pick a "worst" film, but the last film I saw that utterly appalled me was A Good Day to Die Hard. While I understand that being a huge fan of the first three films may colour my judgement of 4.0 and Good Day, but I can admit that the fourth film was made with competence in all the technical departments.

A Good Day to Die Hard has nothing. The script is a disgrace, even when compared to used toilet paper. The pacing is all wrong, the editing is haphazard, the direction is abysmal (camera placement and compositions are just random), the cinematography is disgusting, the sound design is a clunky mess, the music is boring as hell and every single actor is either awful (Radivoje Bukvić), confused (Sebastian Koch), bored (Jai Courtney), or all three (Bruce Willis).

I couldn't believe how rotten this film was. I wasn't expecting greatness since they already announced John Moore as the director but since Max Payne looked rather nice, I assumed the same would be here too.

This and Texas Chainsaw 3D made me fear for the rest of 2013.
"We're outgunned, and undermanned. But, you know somethin'? We're gonna win. You know why? Superior attitude. Superior state of mind."
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