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Old 20th January 2015, 09:47 PM
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MacBlayne MacBlayne is offline
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Totally agree with you regarding the Die Hard mess. It's worth watching for about half an hour. Once the decent (ish) chase round Moscow ends then you may as well turn it off as it goes downhill faster than a bobsleigh.

I quite enjoyed Texas Chainsaw 3D.

Don't worry...i am the only one here who feels this way.
Ha-ha, I've had a few people tell me they enjoyed Texas Chainsaw 3D. I couldn't get into it at all, I'm afraid. It wasn't trashy enough to enjoy in a Friday the 13th way, nor was it classy / gritty enough in that 70s way. Too middle of the road, which filled me with antipathy.

I will say this, despite the drab visuals, the filmmakers knew how to set up a tripod so the dreaded shakycam was avoided. John Frizzell's score harkened back to the original film without becoming derivative. And I'm sure the catering department did a decent job too.

Oh, yeah, I did find "drive through the gate" bit to be rather funny. Didn't see that coming.
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