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Old 23rd January 2015, 12:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Gold6082 View Post
Anyone heard anything new about Nightmare city?. 2 or 3 slates have now passed and this one seems to keep missing out on being actioned?

I have the EC import DVD. I was looking forward to an upgrade I never got the raro blu as there is so much conflicting opinions of it online I felt the wait was worth it...however the wait keeps continuing.
Milano Calibre 9, which I'm assuming was licensed in the same lot as this, was delayed indefinitely due to the transfer avaliable, same as Nightmare City

However, newest card wave has Milano Calibre 9, and their remarks confirm with a new 2K remasters. So what I believe will happen, is Nightmare City will pop up sometime soon with a similar announcment, but maybe they're just producing the restoration at the moment, or searching for materials.
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