Originally Posted by Rik You called it! ***RABID RELEASE DATE UPDATE***.
Unfortunately we are having to push the date for this title back to the 16th of February. We have delayed this release to ensure we had adequate time for David Cronenberg to approve the audio and for us to implement any last minute changes he requested. We thank you all for your understanding and support and hope you enjoy the release! |
FFS! what a surprise. at least I guess this time it will be cock up free,unless of course David cronenberg has heard another sources audio through a saxophone

Arrow should start getting "good boy" dentist stickers for the releases that actually make the original release date error free
My theatre of blood steelie arrived today is there any reason the writting on the spine is upside down/backwards? it will look ridiculous amongst 14 other arrow steelies with the writting the correct way downwards not upwards. OCD moment! grr
I am slowly closing the gaps,I can kiss goodbye to getting hellgate I am not giving a scalper £40 +