Originally Posted by MacBlayne From what I gathered, 51 seconds was cut from Kingsman by the BBFC for a 15 certificate.
It's uncut in Ireland with a 16 certificate.
Also, I was pointing out that 20th Century Fox is owned by Murdoch's NewsCorp, which owns The Times as well. While I will not doubt that The Sun is there because they had easy access to it, it is just as likely that they could have used The Times. But, I'm guessing that Vaughan is either making a joke about Bond's laddish subtext, or playing on our expectations of Hart.
But, I haven't seen the film yet and therefore, my comments are invalid. |
The newspaper covers are used in a scene where Harry Hart/Galahad explains how the work they do is never on the front pages of newspapers, which on reporting celebrity gossip instead, even though one of the headlights which features prominently is 'Gotcha', the infamous General Belgrano story.
Even though he made a party political broadcast film for the Conservative Party in 2008, I doubt Matthew Vaughn was making a political statement.