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Old 1st February 2015, 08:53 AM
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Boo Radley Boo Radley is offline
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Oxford
Default The Manson Family to be withdrawn.

Hey guys and gals. I read somewhere that Severen and Van Bebber are in a bit of dispute over the release of the Manson Family. Apparently it is on Van B's Facebook page, although I haven't checked this myself.

To clarify; Severin this morning stated "As some of you may have seen, the director of one of our titles is engaging in a spot of slander. We’ll be embarking on a legal battle with regards to this behavior which we can assume will not be resolved quickly. We got involved in quite an uphill battle by committing to the near impossible task of finishing the movie THE MANSON FAMILY back in the early 2000s but we were green with inexperience and, don’t get us wrong, we are very proud of helping to get it to the finish line, where others were unable to, and ultimately of the film itself, even though it cost about six times what was proposed to us and took about five times as long. Unfortunately its recent 10th anniversary blu-ray re-issue turned out to be a big commercial failure. As a result we have no choice but to withdraw the title from distribution in all territories for an indefinite time until the matter is appropriately resolved. Effective Monday, THE MANSON FAMILY will be taken down from the Severin store, no more copies will be produced and current inventory will be destroyed."

So if you haven't picked it up yet, today just might be the right time to do so.
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