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Old 8th February 2015, 09:07 AM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
In fairness 88 films didn't f*** up tourist trap or Toxie 3. In the case of tourist trap it was all Charlie Band's doing, insisting that the transfer was from a negative when it wasn't. In the case of Toxie, well Troma re-mastered the R-rated print. Not the first time Troma have done this either as the same thing happened with Toxie 2 on DVD. In Both cases it's what 88 films were given. I refer you to Stephens post earlier about it being a 2 man operation.
Hell I bought toxie 3 simply as my OCD would not let me own 1,2, and 4

Deep River is a different kettle of fish. If the BBFC were not trying to protect dead animals from the 1970's then they would be able to release it uncut. As it is, rather than being sold a dodgy print they seem to be playing a gamble with the BBFC, risky perhaps.
I don't think it'll get through uncut, but I think it'll certainly be an improvement, like Cannibal Holocaust. The organized fights will have to go, evident by some recent decisions, but I think the other deaths will ultimately stay.

I'll get it either way, but no animals deaths is my preference, or at least an alternate edit, like Cannibal Holocuast had on the Shameless and Australian releases.
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