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Old 16th February 2015, 10:09 AM
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fuzzymctiger fuzzymctiger is offline
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This one will be shorter as i remember a lot less of these

Tomb of Ligea - The best of the box I think. On location shooting and a very interesting story make for a much more interesting story than the previous films. 9/10

The Raven - An odd little film. Feels like a Sunday matinee kids film, silly harmless fun. Some good laughs and a fun little plot of magic battles and grudges. A very young Jack Nicholson appears as well. 8/10

Powaqqatsi - Right off the bat one can tell this won't be as operatic as it's predecessor and future Fricke films. The others opt for a slow build, a progression of themes, music, and images from slow and steady to fast and frantic. Powa however, opts to jump in blazing. As a result, it feels much less organized than the previous installment, and a fair lot of the images aren't as interested and powerful. It does improve around the second half however, bringing in more interesting shots and variation, but I guess it just will never be able to live up to the masterpiece the original. Arrow's Blu, like Koyaan, is Perfect. 8/10

Mark of the Devil - An odd film. Interesting varied characters and respective performances, and a cool score, whilst also being excessive, and kind of downbeat and repetitive. 7/10

Cheeky - Ugh. I picked this out as it was the Brass film that interested me most and supposedly one of his better ones, but shit if this is the better end I can't imagine the worst. This feels like porn, with unbelievable situations and characters. The main male character is so extremely misogynistic it's painful, what little plot there is runs wild, and so much of the sex manages to be unsexy. It's just boring and a very poor production. Well shot though, and a very fun score. Some very nice eye candy as well. Sadly the film offers naught else. 2/10

Night of the Comet - I loved this. Love love looooooooved it. There is so much good, the characters and story are fun, the scenery is fun, the writing is fun, it progresses nicely and steadily with different plot points. I just couldn't find anything wrong with it at all. I'm sure it didn't help that the main character and her sister remind me so much of my girlfriend and her sister, but still. This film would be perfectly paired with Return of the Living Dead. So 80's, so much fun, so good. 10/10

Branded to Kill - This opened very well, but fell so quickly. It's just wierd, and I feel it doesn't fit well in the Video line. It's wierd, it's all over the place, it's boring as hell for the most part. I didn't like it, but the bonus movie version looks more up my alley. 5/10

Black Sabbath - I have a slight sense of shame in saying this is the first Bava film I've enjoyed. Black Sunday did nothing, Baron Blood was silly, Lisa and the Devil i haven't even finished, Bay of Blood was cool but all over the place. This hwoever, is solid. Three stories, that never overstay their welcome. Good suspense and shooting and interesting stories. The third, A Drop of Water I think it was called, was amazing, the colorful cinematography, the amazing sets, and that face. I hope Blood and Black Lace is like this, it looks to be. 9/10

A Beautiful Mind - Tragic as hell, but very moving and interesting, with great twists. Not very real as it says however, but still good. 9/10

Bound - This really impressed me, as with such a small location and plot, it works amazing tension and action, and shows the future potential the Wachowski's proved with the Matrix and pissed away with everything after. 9/10

Naked Lunch - This was so overlong and boring and confusing and just wow, I have never been so lost with a movie so fast. 30 minutes in I was pretty much gone and it never got me again. The only redeeming features are Ed Harris' performance, and two great monologues regarding homosexuality, and a talking asshole. 2/10

Well thats it, i barey remember any of those.
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