Thread: Comic Books
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Old 4th March 2015, 10:25 PM
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Hawkmonger Hawkmonger is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Bolton...The Cursed Earth of Europe

So much good stuff this week...

2000AD prog 1920 - Judge Fire is ducking useless! He attacks Dredd once and doesn't even put up a fight as he is fed into a conbine harvister! ****ing idiot!
Steven Universe #8 - Though I will admit i'm a little behind on. Still have the last two issues stored on my cloud. Dunno why I always leave it to last as it's a bloody fun series and very episodic.
Rat God #2 - Continues in horrifying fashion. Actually was the first thing i read this week as I really dug the first issue. Dat cover....
Godzilla Rulers of Earth #21 - God I looove this bonkers series! Say what you will about the Toho kaiju movies but they are always entertaining and this feels just like one.
Shadow Show #4 - Ray Bradbury tribute series continues. Art wise I felt this was the weakest so far but the writing is still spot on.
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #3 - Felt like ages since the last issue and I think I need to re-read them. Looks great fun as per.
Big Man Plans #1 - Eric Powell's a busy man ATM, isn't he! Between this, The Goon and Big Trouble in Little China my pull list is full of Powell silliness. Which is a good thing. Anyway, this new series is kind of a crime thriller with extra slapstick violence.
EGOS #6 - Got caught up with the trade and the previous issue and it's thumping good stuff. I want to say it reminds me a little of Terraformers but it's way more classy...
Saga #26 - Are we to assume The Brand is non-binary or is s/he just androgynous? Anyway, digging Saga once again. Love it.
Doctor Who 11th Doctor #9 - I'm loving this series! Watching Jones decent into madness is hilarious. Dare I say it's better than the TV series right now?
Weekly Shonen Jump #14 - Undecided and unimpressed with Battle Satellite. Conversly Black Clover has really grown on me and Cyborg Roggy (despite being somewhat akin to Hi-Fi Clusters) is kicking serious arse. Of the five titles in this Jump Start line up, Kagamigami and Cyborg Roggy have my vote to stay, with Black Clover as a 'See how it goes' title.

Titles i'm deliberating on:
Con Job #1
Halogen #1
Neverboy #1
Robert Heinlens Citizen of the Galaxy #1
Descender #1
Sent from my freezer with the power of will and a bit of crack.
My Deviantart page- For 2000AD and anime fan art with a pinch of nature.

DVD and BD collection
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