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Old 10th March 2015, 01:47 AM
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nosferatu42 nosferatu42 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Castle Fronkensteen

Only lovers left alive.


I don't know much about Jim Jarmusch but i likes what i know.
Only really seen this, Dead man And Ghost Dog but really enjoyed all these films.
This one concerns two age old vampire lovers, they live apart but i guess absence makes the heart grow fonder.I get that, i mean over 2000+ years living together probably loses it's novelty value somewhat.
Anyway what we get is a film that focuses on the prospect of eternity, years of ponderance, both the couple are gifted with knowledge, he is adapt at whatever instrument he turns to, she reads everything and can seemingly date objects by touch alone.
This it seems to me is a film that focuses on the realities of the existence of a vampire rather than the basic blood dependance. The feeding moments treat the blood like a drug, which is understandable if that is your only sustenance, it becomes a mystical experience.
Focusing of the overall vampire experience this kinda neglects the bloodletting unfortunately, don't get me wrong i really enjoyed this film but with a bit more carnage it would have been a masterpiece.
Mia whatsername from Stoker and Alice in Wonderland turns up and screws the lovers lives up bigtime, and i kinda wanted more of her character, also i quite liked the geezer played by Star Treks Chekov and would have liked to have seen more of him.
John Hurt appears because he is omnipresent these days,he is great as always.

A great film if you like sitting around thinking about stuff, if you want a lot of blood and shit blowing up you'd probably think it's a load of pretentious shite.
I'd agree it is pretty pretentious but when you mix thoughtful dialogue, nicely shot visuals and a pretty damn cool soundtrack i really don't care because it does it for me.
A Hypnotic experience 9/10

MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart!
VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
NEIL: I'll get a cushion.
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