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Old 28th March 2015, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Graeme73 View Post
Just curious how other collectors decide what they want to keep...

Storage space is limited - and if you're only going to watch a film once or twice, is it really worth collecting? (not to mention the cost!)

For example, I've bought a couple of 88 Films title recently and thought they were 'OK', but they won't be my first choice for repeat viewing, so I'm umming and arring what to do with them.

What do others do? Do you have a yardstick to determine whether something makes the grade or not? Just curious...
I had a huge collection so big it would take months too watch got rid of most. What I'm dong now is not buying blockbusters etc and only buying things I really want or can't get on streaming sites like netflix. So building my arrow collection back up but only get the ones I really want and steelbooks. With 88films if you aren't enjoying I would say don't bother, me will probably get most of there stuff coming out as lot have had no decent release and not on any streaming sites
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