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Old 30th March 2015, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Nordicdusk View Post
Few quick taughts on a few films I watched over the weekend.


A father and son still living at the old slaughterhouse that a local developer and sheriff want rid of so they can take over the land. After numerous offers the father and son hatch a plan to keep the old place and remove the problem of interfering locals.

Fun slasher and I enjoyed the disposal of some of the more annoying local teens. I really enjoyed the killers lack of any sort of coherent language just sqealling like a pig.

Don't Go In The Woods

Two couples that couldn't act to save their lives which was handy for the wild man hunting them head to the woods on a camping trip while all around them other campers are being picked off in some really creative ways.

While the acting is terrible it's still a fun film and one of the main characters seems to suffer from a strange side effect of being scared his voice changes to a number of different accents from what sounds like an American to sounding English and some Australian thrown in for good measure

Both films have really nice transfers from 88 . I'd recommend both for a good time with a few brewskis.
Fans of backwoods horror should check out the 1975 documentary THE HOLLOWS, which focuses on a community in the mountains of New York State. After most of the town moved away due to a dam being built, two families stayed, inbreeding with each other so that everyone is related to one another but isolated from the modern world. Fantastic stuff and highly recommended. There are several streaming of it on the net.
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